Mastering 360 Degree Evaluation: A Comprehensive Guide

SurveyPluto 08/14/2024 1265 words

Mastering 360 Degree Evaluation A Comprehensive Guide

What is a 360-degree comprehensive evaluation?

Before we go into detail about how to make a complete and practical 360-degree comprehensive evaluation , we need to know what a 360-degree comprehensive evaluation is.

Let's see the definition of a 360-degree comprehensive evaluation: A 360-degree comprehensive evaluation is an evaluation method, also known as a multi-dimensional evaluation, which evaluates employees from multiple perspectives such as superiors, subordinates, colleagues, and customers.

Companies use this evaluation method to fully reveal employee performance, help companies identify strengths and weaknesses, improve management efficiency and employee satisfaction, and help companies fully understand employee performance and needs. The process includes clarifying evaluation goals, determining evaluators, issuing questionnaires, statistics and analysis of data, feedback results, and formulating improvement plans.

Below we will learn how to make a complete questionnaire by analyzing a 360-degree evaluation form .

Now many platforms support the online production of 360-degree evaluation forms, such as SurveyPluto . On this website, you can make a variety of questionnaires such as surveys and evaluation forms online for free, and all functions are free to use. I often complete my questionnaire is produced here, which is very convenient because the easy-to-use survey templates are provided free.

360-degree evaluation template

The basic content of the 360-degree evaluation form can be roughly divided into 4 parts.

1. Basic information of employees

The first thing to be clear at the beginning of the evaluation form is the basic personal information of the employee being evaluated and the relationship between the company and the superiors and subordinates, such as the employee's name, department, position, evaluation period, superiors and subordinates, etc. Such clear information not only makes it easier for the evaluator to understand the information of the person being evaluated, but also facilitates the company's subsequent file classification, file analysis and file storage.

This can often be determined by the first setting. For example, you can set the information of all relevant respondents, and when you actually collect the questionnaire data, it can directly reach the employee's mailbox. This helps ensure that the feedback is relevant and targeted , making the evaluation more effective and useful

360 degree feedback form setting

2. Evaluation Dimensions

The second part is the evaluation dimension. Enterprises should set up practical Evaluation Dimensions based on the position and work content of the person being evaluated. Taking the 360-degree-evaluation applicable to management positions as an example, we can set the evaluation items for reference below:

● Job Knowledge: Evaluate the professional knowledge and skill level of employees to ensure that they have the necessary knowledge to be competent for the position.

● Quality of Work: Evaluate whether the quality of work of employees in completing work tasks meets the standards.

● Productivity: Evaluate the ability and work efficiency of employees to complete work tasks within the specified time.

● Communication Skills: Evaluate the communication and expression ability between employees and their superiors, colleagues and subordinates.

● Teamwork: Evaluate the ability of employees to collaborate in the team and cooperate with others.

● Problem Solving: Evaluate the ability of employees to find and solve problems encountered at work.

● Adaptability: Evaluate whether employees can adapt to changes in the work environment.

● Leadership: For employees in management positions, evaluate their ability to lead the team, formulate strategies, and motivate employees.

● Through these comprehensive evaluation dimensions, we can fully understand the work ability and competence of employees, and provide a basis for subsequent training, development and promotion.

The questionnaire dimensions you set will become a very important part of the analysis form, as shown in the figure below.

360 degree Evaluation Dimensions

3. Set 1-5 scoring items

I personally think that this scoring method has great advantages. Because the 1-5 scoring scale is a scoring method that most people are familiar with, the learning cost is low, and it can help evaluators quickly understand and complete the scoring, and improve the efficiency and completeness of the questionnaire. Through this more detailed scoring mechanism, companies can capture the respondents' more subtle attitudes and preferences, which helps to more accurately reflect the respondents' true feelings. In terms of data analysis, 1-5 scoring also has its irreplaceable advantages. For example, 1-5 scoring data can be used for richer statistical analysis, such as calculating the average, median and other indicators, to better summarize and compare the popularity of different options. It should be noted that after the evaluation form is collected, it is particularly important to analyze the data of the scoring form, because what the company wants is the analysis result, and all evaluation processes should be responsible for this analysis result.

360 degree evaluation scoring items

After completing the questionnaire, you can directly click to send an email to the target consumers.

360 degree evaluation sending email to visitors

4. Evaluation results

The last part of the questionnaire is to get back the data and analyze data, including Overall Evaluation and Development Recommendations.

Overall Evaluation is an overall evaluation of the comprehensive scores of employees in various evaluation dimensions. The overall performance rating of employees is given by the average score or weighted average score of each evaluation dimension, such as "excellent", "good", "average ", etc. This overall evaluation provides a basis for subsequent promotion, salary adjustment or performance feedback.

360 degree evaluation results

Development Recommendations is based on the scores of employees in various evaluation dimensions, and specifically proposes the development direction and areas that need improvement for employees. This may include suggesting that employees attend relevant training courses, appointing mentors for coaching, adjusting job responsibilities or division of labor, etc. These development suggestions provide guidance for employees to develop personal development plans, which helps to improve their work ability and potential.

The main features and advantages of 360-degree evaluation

This evaluation form collects feedback from multiple perspectives (superiors, colleagues, subordinates, etc.) to fully understand employees' work performance, professional skills, behavioral characteristics, etc. At the same time, this multi-faceted evaluation can reduce the subjective preferences of a single evaluator and improve the objectivity and fairness of the evaluation. After collecting information, companies can develop targeted training and development plans based on comprehensive evaluation results to meet the personalized needs of employees. For employees, their feedback and communication during the 360-degree The evaluation process helps them understand their own strengths and weaknesses and stimulate the motivation for continuous improvement.

The main features and advantages of 360-degree evaluation

Upgrade your performance insights today!

Create your first 360-degree evaluation form for free with SurveyPluto. Use a free 360-degree evaluation form template today!

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