Green Aviation Global Survey
Awareness | Knowledge | Empowerment | Change 绿色航空全球调查
认知 | 知识 | 赋能 | 变革

For the Purpose of the IAGA Global Case Study Competition and IAGA Initiatives, 
you are being invited to participate in a global survey to better understand how the International Association for Green Aviation (IAGA) can serve you best. Your opinion counts. Please read the following points carefully as they inform you on the survey characteristics and protocol, especially to ensure your privacy and confidentiality.

1. The purpose of the survey is to better understand your perceptions, knowledge and opinion related to the Greening of Aviation so that IAGA can develop programs and introduce global initiative that serves you and all aviation stakeholders best.
2. If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete a set of question which should take around 20 minutes to complete.
Your feedback is highly appreciated.
3. No data will be collected that can be used to identify you or even your location. This questionnaire is completely anonymous. That means that it will not be possible to make a link between you and the data you provide.
4. We will only use the information for the purposes of research and only analyzed results may be published.
5. We will protect the information by storing the data on a secured external hard drive dedicated only for data storage and deleting it from the computers used to collect it.
6. We will destroy the raw data five years after the end of the analysis and dissemination of results.
7. You do not have to participate in this research. It is purely your decision. If you start the survey, you can stop at any time.
8. Please fill out this survey in English. If you can not, please write in Chinese. When there is contradiction between the English and Chinese questions, please refer to the English version.请使用英文填写本调查问卷。如不能,请用中文。当中文和英文的问题出现冲突时,以英文版本为准。

Should you have any questions or require more information email us at如有任何疑问或需了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件至: [email protected].

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I have read and understood the conditions of this survey. 我已阅读并知晓相关条款。
I agree to participate in this research under the conditions described. 我已了解以上条件,同意参与本次调查。

Demographics 基本信息

*1. Gender 性别:
Male 男
*2. Age 年龄:
under 24
Above 61
*3. Highest level educational level completed 最高学历:
High school 高中
Undergraduate 本科
Graduate 研究生
Technical school专科/技校
No education无教育背景
*4. Have you heard of green aviation 您是否听说过绿色航空?
5. Organization/Employer Name您所在单位名称:
6. Position Type职务类别:
Middle Management中层
Top Management 高层
8. Select those that were part of your job functions 请选择您工作职能包含的内容:
Decision making 决策
Policy making政策制定
Planning 规划
Technical implementation技术实施
9. Select those that you participated in请选择您参与过的工作:
Needs assessment 需求评估
Project formulation项目制定
10. Open ended question开放式问题:Please describe your job functions请描述您的工作职能:
*11. To what extent do you know about the following? 您对以下内容的了解程度如何?
No Knowledge不了解Little Knowledge 知之甚少Knowledgeable了解Very Knowledgeable非常了解Expert专家
Green initiatives at airports 机场绿色倡议
Aircraft improvements飞机改进
Advances in aircraft engines飞机发动机改进
Sustainable alternative fuels可持续替代燃料
Carbon emission reduction initiatives碳减排倡议
Electric airplanes电动飞机
Hydrogen fuel as a source of energy氢能源
Aircraft noise mitigation飞机噪声减缓
Greenhouse gases温室气体
Aircraft manufacturing飞机制造
No Knowledge不了解Little Knowledge 知之甚少Knowledgeable了解Very Knowledgeable非常了解Expert专家
Air traffic management空中交通管理
Carbon tax碳税
Digital circular economy数字循环经济
Sustainable aviation可持续航空
European Green Deal欧洲绿色交易
Single European Sky欧洲单一天空
Destination 20502050目标
Fit for 55欧盟减碳55%一揽子计划
Certification of Green Airports绿色机场认证
Frequent Flyer Tax飞行常旅客税
International Civil Aviation Organization国际民用航空组织
Carbon Offsetting Reduction Scheme for International Aviation国际航空碳抵消与减排计划
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals联合国可持续发展目标
Carbon tax碳交易税
Airplane flight optimization飞机飞行优化
*12. Tell us if you have knowledge of other green aviation initiatives that were not listed above. 如果您还知道其他绿色航空倡议,请列出。
*13. Aviation Beliefs对于绿色航空的看法
Strongly Agree 非常同意Agree 同意Neutral 中立Disagree 不同意Strongly Disagree非常不同意
I feel that Green Aviation Initiatives will deliver on its promises for climate goals.我觉得绿色航空倡议将兑现其对气候目标的承诺。
I am confident that Green Aviation Initiatives are to the best of my interests.我有信心绿色航空倡议最符合我的利益。
I trust Green Aviation in meeting climate goals.我相信绿色航空能够实现气候目标。
I trust that aviation organizations will do the right thing to meet climate goals.我相信航空组织会采取正确行动以实现气候目标。
Participating in Green Aviation Initiatives can improve my performance at work.加入绿色航空倡议可以提高我的工作绩效。
Participating in Green Aviation Initiatives can improve my career prospects. 加入绿色航空倡议可以提升我的职业前景。
Green Aviation Initiatives are useful to my work.绿色航空倡议对我的工作有帮助。
Green Aviation Initiatives are good for climate change.绿色航空倡议有利于缓解气候变化。
Participating in Green Aviation Initiatives would be beneficial to me.加入绿色航空倡议对我有益。
Everyone should participate in Green Aviation Initiatives.每个人都应该加入绿色航空倡议。
Strongly Agree 非常同意Agree 同意Neutral 中立Disagree 不同意Strongly Disagree非常不同意
I intend to participate in Green Aviation Initiatives as frequently as possible.我打算尽可能多地参与绿色航空倡议。
I intend to maximize the utility of what I know about Green Aviation Initiatives.我打算最大限度地利用我所了解的绿色航空倡议。
I intend to learn more about Green Aviation Initiatives.我打算更多了解绿色航空倡议。
I intend to integrate Green Aviation Initiatives in my organization.我打算将绿色航空倡议融入我所在的组织。
I intend to further educate myself about Green Aviation.我打算进一步学习绿色航空。
I intend to take a course/training on Green Aviation, if it were available.如果有关于绿色航空的课程或培训,我打算参加。
Colleagues who influence my behavior think that I should participate in Green Aviation Initiatives.对我行为有影响的同事认为我应该加入绿色航空倡议。
Colleagues who are important to me think that I should participate in Green Aviation Initiatives.对我很重要的同事认为我应该加入绿色航空倡议。
Friends encourage me to participate in Green Aviation Initiatives.朋友鼓励我加入绿色航空倡议。
Relatives encourage me to get involved in Green Aviation Initiatives.亲人鼓励我加入绿色航空倡议。
Strongly Agree 非常同意Agree 同意Neutral 中立Disagree 不同意Strongly Disagree非常不同意
I feel confident with my knowledge about Green Aviation.我对自己关于绿色航空的知识有信心。
I feel confident in using what I have learned to engage in Green Aviation Initiatives.我有信心运用所学知识参与绿色航空倡议。
I feel confident in my abilities to solve Green Aviation challenges.我对自己解决绿色航空挑战的能力有信心。
In general, information about Green Aviation Initiatives is not adequate.总体而言,有关绿色航空倡议的信息并不充分。
Sufficient information about Green Aviation Initiatives is available to me in my work.我在工作中可以获得充足的绿色航空倡议的信息。
I feel that content related to Green Aviation is scarce.我觉得与绿色航空有关的内容很少。
I feel that content related to Green Aviation is all over the place and difficult to find.我觉得与绿色航空有关的内容乱七八糟,很难找到。
I feel that content related to Green Aviation is not up to date.我觉得与绿色航空相关的内容并不是最新的。
I feel that content related to Green Aviation is not easy to understand.我觉得与绿色航空相关的内容不容易理解。
I have no difficulty explaining to others about what I know about Green Aviation.向他人解释我所了解的绿色航空知识没有任何困难。
Strongly Agree 非常同意Agree 同意Neutral 中立Disagree 不同意Strongly Disagree非常不同意
The results of my participation in Green Aviation Initiatives are apparent to me. 我加入绿色航空倡议的结果是显而易见的。
I see and understand the impact of Green Aviation Initiatives on the climate.我能观察到并理解绿色航空倡议对气候的影响。
People in my organization who participate in Green Aviation Initiatives have more prestige than those who do not.在我所在的组织中,加入绿色航空倡议的人比不加入的人更有声望。
I feel that participating in Green Aviation improves the image of my organization.我觉得加入绿色航空能提升我所在组织的形象。
I feel that participating in Green Aviation improves my career prospects. 我觉得加入绿色航空能改善我的职业前景。
I feel that there are unequal power relations embedded in the structure of the Green Aviation movement.我觉得绿色航空行动的组织中有不平等权力关系。
The concept of Green Aviation is not well understood.绿色航空的概念没有得到很好的理解。
The lack of understanding of Green Aviation is clearly felt by my colleagues.我的同事明显感觉对绿色航空缺乏了解。
In general, I feel that the outcomes of Green Aviation are not equally agreed upon between my colleagues.总体而言,我觉得同事们对绿色航空能带来的结果没有达成共识。
I feel constrained in participating in Green Aviation Initiatives.我在参与绿色航空倡议中受到拘束。
I feel that my capabilities regarding the greening of aviation are not acknowledged.我觉得我在绿色航空方面的能力没有得到认可。
Knowledge of Green Aviation capability is not recognized.我对绿色航空能力的了解不被认可。
*15. What do you think is the best way for the aviation sector to be carbon neutral?您认为航空业实现碳中和的最佳途径是什么?
*16. What do you think is the biggest challenge for the aviation sector to become carbon neutral?您认为航空业实现碳中和的最大挑战是什么?
*17. Do you feel that aviation will ever become carbon neutral? Why do you think so?您认为航空业最终会实现碳中和吗?为什么?
18. Would you consider registering to a green aviation management certificate with IAGA? 您是否会考虑在国际绿色航空协会( IAGA)注册绿色航空管理证书?

19. What subject areas related to green aviation management you would definitely be interested in registering for? 哪些与绿色航空管理相关的话题您必定会感兴趣?
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