Larkspur Ferry Service Expansion and Parking Study - Ferry Passenger Survey

Larkspur Ferry Service Expansion and Parking Study - Ferry Passenger Survey

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Ferry Riders: Please give us your feedback on Larkspur Ferry service and transportation access improvements and enter to win a $25 Clipper Card. 
Pasajeros de ferri: Por favor, envíenos sus comentarios sobre el servicio de ferri de Larkspur y las mejoras en el acceso al transporte y participe para ganar una tarjeta Clipper de $25. Utilice este enlace para la encuesta en español

The Golden Gate Bridge District (Bridge District) is studying ways to increase the frequency of Larkspur Ferry service and alleviate traffic congestion on Highway 101 and existing roadways. Currently, the Bridge District has hit the limit for the number of ferry crossings it is approved to offer and in order to add more ferry service, we need to develop an environmental review through the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). To accomplish this and plan to accommodate future travel demand in Southern Marin, we initiated the Larkspur Ferry Service Expansion and Parking Study.

We want to hear from you on whether you would like to see more ferry service frequency, how you currently get to the Larkspur Ferry Terminal, and potential developments that could improve your experience. Please complete the following survey by September 30th to be eligible to win a $25 Clipper Card (five winners will be selected).

For more information on the Larkspur Ferry Service Expansion and Parking Study, including public meetings, please visit:

wait loading

How often do you take the Larkspur Ferry?

5 or more days a week
3-4 days a week
1-2 days a week
Less than once a week
From which city/neighborhood in the North Bay did you start your trip?

How did you get to the Larkspur Ferry Terminal?

Drive alone
Dropped off by a friend/family
SMART train
Golden Gate Transit/Marin Transit bus
Walk all the way

I would you use the ferry more in non-commute hours (after 10 a.m.) if ... (Check all that apply)

Finding a parking spot is easy
There was more secure bike parking at the Ferry Terminal
There was reliable transit to the Ferry Terminal

I will consider taking an app-based on-demand shuttle (similar to UberX share) to the Larkspur Ferry Terminal if… (check all that apply)

It’s free
It runs during peak periods
It runs all day for all ferry trips
The waiting time is within 10 minutes
The extra travel time compared to driving is less than 5 minutes
The extra travel time compared to driving is less than 10 minutes
Not applicable (NA)
Thank you for completing this survey! Please add your email below to enter the lottery for a $25 Clipper Card.
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