Employee Engagement Survey Template

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Employee Engagement Survey Template

Your opinion matters! We value your feedback and want to make sure we're doing everything we can to support you and help you thrive. We're excited to hear from you and make positive changes together.
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What department do you work in at the company?
Do you feel valued and appreciated at work?
Yes, I feel very valued and appreciated
Somewhat, but there is room for improvement
No, I do not feel valued or appreciated
How satisfied are you with the opportunities for growth and development at this company?
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
Do you feel that your work is meaningful and contributes to the success of the company?
Yes, my work is highly meaningful and I feel like a valuable contributor
To some extent, but there is room for improvement
No, my work does not feel meaningful and I do not feel like a valuable contributor
How satisfied are you with your immediate supervisor’s leadership style?
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
Do you feel like you have a good work-life balance?
Yes, my work-life balance is excellent
To some extent, but there is room for improvement
No, my work and personal life are not balanced
How likely are you to stay with this company for the next 3-5 years?
Highly unlikely
Highly likely
Do you feel like the company values diversity and inclusivity?
Yes, the company feels very diverse and inclusive
To some extent, but there is room for improvement
No, the company is not diverse or inclusive
How often do you receive feedback and recognition for your work?
Very frequently
Do you feel like your opinions and ideas are heard and valued by leadership?
Yes, my opinions and ideas are heard and valued
To some extent, but there is room for improvement
No, my opinions and ideas are not heard or valued
How likely are you to recommend this company as a place to work?
Highly unlikely
Highly likely
What initiatives or policies do you think the company could implement to foster a more positive and inclusive work environment?
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