Employee Performance Survey Template

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Employee Performance Survey Template

Hello! Please complete the Employee Performance Survey with your honest feedback. Your input is valuable in improving the employees' performance.

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*How would you rate the employee's job performance during the past year?
Above average
Below average
*How well do you feel the employee's skills are utilized in their current role?
Very well
Somewhat well
Neither well nor poorly
Somewhat poorly
Very poorly
*How comfortable are you with the amount and frequency of feedback you provide to the employee?
Very comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
Somewhat uncomfortable
Very uncomfortable
*How satisfied are you with the employee's attendance and punctuality?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
*How well does the employee work with others in a team environment?
Very well
Somewhat well
Neither well nor poorly
Somewhat poorly
Very poorly
*How well does the employee handle feedback and constructive criticism?
Very well
Somewhat well
Neither well nor poorly
Somewhat poorly
Very poorly

How likely are you to recommend the employee for a promotion or raise?

Very unlikely
Very likely
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