New Product Concept Testing Survey Template

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New Product Concept Testing Survey Template

We are exploring the concept of launching a new smartwatch designed to integrate seamlessly with both Android and iOS platforms, featuring health tracking, mobile notifications, customizable watch faces, and a battery life of up to 7 days.

Your feedback is essential in helping us understand consumer interest and preferences related to this product concept. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts.

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Before we start, do you currently own or have you previously owned a smartwatch?
Yes, I currently own a smartwatch.
Yes, but I no longer use it.
No, I have never owned a smartwatch.
How appealing do you find the concept of our new smartwatch?
Very Appealing
Somewhat Appealing
Somewhat Unappealing
Not Appealing At All
How unique do you consider our smartwatch concept compared to existing products in the market?
Very Unique
Somewhat Unique
Not Very Unique
Not Unique At All
Which of the following features of our smartwatch concept do you find most appealing? (Select up to 3)
[Choose at most 3 items]
Health tracking (heart rate, steps, sleep monitoring)
Mobile notifications (calls, messages, apps)
Customizable watch faces
Long battery life (up to 7 days)
Seamless integration with Android and iOS
Water-resistant design
Other (Please specify)
How likely are you to purchase this smartwatch if it were available today?
Definitely would purchase
Probably would purchase
Might or might not purchase
Probably would not purchase
Definitely would not purchase
What price range do you think is fair for this smartwatch?
Under $100
$100 to $200
$200 to $300
Over $300
How important is the battery life of a smartwatch to you?
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Very Important
Not Important At All
Which operating system compatibility is more important to you?
Both are equally important
Not applicable/I don't use a smartphone
How likely are you to recommend our smartwatch concept to others?
Very Likely
Somewhat Likely
Somewhat Unlikely
Very Unlikely
What concerns, if any, do you have about this smartwatch concept?
If you could add one feature to the smartwatch concept, what would it be?
How do you typically learn about new electronic products like smartwatches? (Select all that apply)
Online reviews
Social media
Recommendations from friends/family
In-store displays
Tech blogs/websites
Other (Please specify)
What improvements, if any, would you suggest for our smartwatch concept?
Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for our product development team regarding the smartwatch concept?
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