Customer Churn Survey Template

We're sorry to see you go! We value your experience with us and would greatly appreciate your feedback to help us grow and improve. Could you please take a moment to let us know why you decided to leave? Thank you for your time and honesty.

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How long were you a customer of our product/service?
Less than 6 months
6 months to 1 year
1 year to 2 years
Over 2 years
What was your primary reason for canceling your subscription with us?
Found a better alternative
Poor customer service
Quality of product/service
No longer needed
Other (please specify)

Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following areas of our product/service.

Very dissatisfied234Very satisfied
Quality of product/service
Value for the price
Ease of use
Customer service
How would you rate our product/service compared to similar products/services in the market?
Significantly better
Slightly better
About the same
Slightly worse
Significantly worse
Is there anything we could have done differently that would have prevented you from canceling your subscription with us?
Do you have any suggestions for improvements to our product/service that would have convinced you to stay?
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