Customer Service Feedback Survey Template

Template Instructions

Grow your business and win over customers as your brand's advocates with a customer service feedback survey template. Use this free survey template offered by SurveyPluto to measure your customers' level of satisfaction with your product or service. Click "Use this Template"  to begin collecting insightful feedback for improving client retention right now.

Customer Service Feedback Survey Template

Use This Template

Customer Service Feedback Survey Template

  1. Welcome! Your feedback on our customer service is invaluable. This quick survey will help us enhance your future experiences. Let's begin!
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  1. How satisfied are you with the overall customer service you've received from our team?
Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
*Can you rate the responsiveness of our customer service team when addressing your inquiries or concerns?
Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
*Have you had any instances where our customer service team went beyond with your orders or requests?
*How likely are you to recommend our services to friends or colleagues?
Very Likely
Do you have any suggestions for how we can improve our customer service experience?
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