How to Make a High-quality 360-Degree Evaluation in Enterprises

SurveyPluto 07/23/2024 925 words

How to Make a High-quality 360-Degree Evaluation in Enterprises

In the fast-changing business environment of today, companies need to constantly evaluate and optimize internal operations to cope with the endless internal and external challenges in order to maintain their competitive advantage. As a comprehensive performance management tool, 360-degree evaluation can help companies understand the performance of employees in all aspects, and provide valuable feedback for companies in terms of personnel optimization and adjustment. Next, we will explore the significance of this evaluation and how to make high-quality evaluation forms.

The Significance of 360-Degree Evaluation

We know that the core of 360-degree evaluation is to collect feedback from multiple perspectives, including superiors, colleagues, subordinates, and customers. For example, a sales manager's evaluation may include feedback from the sales director, fellow sales representatives, subordinate customer service staff, and important customers.

This comprehensive evaluation method can more accurately reflect the actual work status of employees, rather than being limited to a single perspective, avoiding the improper results of partial listening and partial belief, and is very objective!

For companies, through 360-degree evaluation, companies can fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of employees. Companies can explore the advantages of employees based on the evaluation results and give full play to the highlights of employees.

Moreover, the evaluation results can not only show the professional skills of employees, but also reveal their soft power such as interpersonal communication, leadership, and innovative spirit. For example, a research and development engineer may perform well in technology, but have problems in communication and collaboration with colleagues. It is difficult to fully evaluate a person based on personal observations, as everyone has different perspectives. This comprehensive feedback helps companies develop targeted training and development plans to help employees continuously improve their capabilities.

The Significance of 360-Degree Evaluation

360-degree evaluation can also promote communication and collaboration within the organization. The evaluation process requires the participation of all stakeholders, which helps to enhance mutual understanding and trust and improve the collaborative relationship between departments.

For example, in a 360-degree evaluation of an Internet company, the product manager received feedback from development, operations, marketing and other departments, which allowed him to better understand his role in the team, actively optimize his working methods, and improve the efficiency of cross-departmental collaboration. Other departments can also deepen their understanding of the work of their brother departments by participating in this evaluation.

The results of the 360-degree evaluation can be used as an important basis for performance appraisal. For example, in a bank's mid-year assessment, the 360-degree evaluation results of a customer manager showed that he performed well in customer service and teamwork, so the bank decided to promote him to regional manager. This phenomenon is real, because 360-degree evaluation itself is a comprehensive evaluation of employees. Excellent talents will be appreciated, which not only helps to improve employees' work enthusiasm, but also attracts and retains excellent talents.

360-Degree Evaluation

How Can We Make a High-Quality 360-Degree Evaluation Form?

First, the company needs to clarify the purpose and focus of the evaluation and determine the appropriate evaluation dimensions and indicators. Common dimensions include work skills, work attitude, communication skills, teamwork, etc. 

For example, in a 360-degree evaluation of a manufacturing company, the main focus indicators for production line employees include operating skills, safety awareness, and collaborative spirit. For sales personnel, when designing a 360-degree evaluation form, the company can focus on the following dimensions: sales performance, customer service, product knowledge, and communication assistance, work attitude, etc. We need to analyze specific issues specifically, and have different dimensions and indicators for different industries and positions.

All these different survey evaluation forms can be created on the online platform SurveyPluto. On this website, all the questionnaire making functions are free to use! It is worth a try!

Then, the company needs to design a concise evaluation questionnaire to ensure that each question can accurately reflect the performance of the person being evaluated. For example, when evaluating an employee's "communication ability", you can set questions such as "being able to express your ideas clearly" and "being good at listening to others' opinions". At the same time, we all know that people have their own preferences and subjective judgments, so we must pay attention to protecting privacy in this process, ensure the fairness and objectivity of the evaluation process, and avoid situations where personal grudges affect the evaluation results.

Finally, companies need to establish a sound feedback mechanism to promptly feedback the evaluation results to the evaluated and provide targeted improvement suggestions. For example, in a 360-degree evaluation of a fast-moving consumer goods company, a sales manager received feedback from subordinates, colleagues and customers, and found that he had problems in communication and coordination, so he took the initiative to seek training and improvement. This not only helps employees' self-cognition and career development, but also enhances employees' sense of identity and belonging to the company.

How Can We Make a High-Quality 360-Degree Evaluation Form


The 360-degree evaluation of an enterprise is an important performance management tool that can help the enterprise and the employees themselves fully understand the work status of employees and provide a basis for the talent development and decision-making of the enterprise. For example, based on the 360-degree evaluation, a multinational company established a "star sales" award for outstanding sales elites, which not only improved the work enthusiasm of employees, but also brought rich sales performance to the company.

Therefore, only by making full use of this tool can enterprises continuously improve their competitiveness and achieve long-term sustainable development.

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