Student Satisfaction Survey: 50+ Sample Questions

SurveyPluto 11/07/2023 738 words

Student Satisfaction Survey

Student satisfaction surveys provide valuable insights into how students feel about various aspects of their learning experience and the overall education system. By conducting student satisfaction surveys, educational institutions can gather feedback from students and use it to improve their programs, courses, and services. Here are 50+ sample questions for getting started with student satisfaction surveys.

Academic Experience

1. How satisfied are you with the quality of teaching in your program?

2. How satisfied are you with the course content?

3. How satisfied are you with the availability and accessibility of academic advising?

4. How satisfied are you with the academic support you receive?

5. How satisfied were you with the level of difficulty of this course?

6. Are you satisfied with the textbooks and learning materials provided?

7. Are you interested in continuing your current course for higher education?

8. Are you interested in advanced courses in your current discipline?

9. Are there any courses in a different program that you would like to take?

Learning Experience

10. How satisfied are you with the opportunities for hands-on learning and group work?

11. How satisfied are you with the experiential learning opportunities?

12. How satisfied are you with the program organization and scheduling?

13. How satisfied are you with the online learning platform?

14. Are the online courses structured effectively?

15. How satisfied are you with the online course content?

16. How satisfied are you with the ease of use of the online learning resources and tools?

17. How satisfied are you with participation and engagement in class discussions?

18. Did you receive support from your course leaders and take part in group work successfully?

Instructors and Tutors

19. How satisfied are you with the accessibility of your instructors?

20. Do your instructors provide timely feedback?

21. Are your instructors approachable and helpful?

22. How satisfied are you with the communication from instructors?

23. How satisfied are you with the feedback given by instructors?

24. Can you interact with your tutor easily?

Workload and Coursework

25. How was your course workload level?

26. Were you able to balance the workload and real-life responsibilities effectively?

27. Was coursework and testing prepared in the best possible way?

28. How satisfied are you with participation and engagement in coursework?

Facilities and Resources

29. How satisfied are you with the learning facilities, such as classrooms, laboratories, and libraries?

30. Are the facilities well maintained and equipped?

31. How satisfied are you with the availability of study resources, such as computers, printers, and internet access?

32. Are you satisfied with the learning spaces outside the classrooms, such as student lounges and gathering areas?

Campus Life

33. How satisfied are you with campus life?

34. Are there enough opportunities for student organizations, clubs, and activities?

35. Are the campus events scheduled at a convenient time?

36. How satisfied are you with the campus safety and security measures?

37. Do you feel comfortable and included on campus?

38. How satisfied are you with the sports and fitness facilities?

39. How satisfied are you with the opportunities for extracurricular activities?

40. Are there sufficient outdoor recreational opportunities available?

Student Support

41. How satisfied are you with the academic support services (such as tutoring or writing center) available to you?

42. Did you receive assistance with any personal issues, such as mental health or financial aid concerns?

43. How easy is it to navigate the institution's student support services?

Student Feedback

44. Do you feel like your feedback is valued by the institution?

45. How satisfied are you with the institution's response to feedback?

46. Are there opportunities for students to provide feedback to the institution?

Financial Concerns

47. How satisfied are you with the cost of tuition and fees?

48. How easy was the financial aid process?

49. How satisfied are you with the scholarship opportunities provided?

50. How satisfied are you with the student loan options?

Career Experience

51. Are the courses aligned with your career goals?

52. How satisfied are you with the career services provided?

53. Do you think that your course has prepared you to compete skills in the job market?

54. How satisfied are you with the programs related to career development?

55. Are you satisfied with the career readiness programs, such as career fairs and networking events?

Overall Student Experience

56. Overall, how satisfied are you with your educational experience?

57. Would you recommend the institution to others?


By utilizing these sample questions about student satisfaction, educational institutions can gather valuable feedback to improve the student experience. The survey results can help institutions make informed changes, improve their programs & curriculums, enhance their facilities, support student, and foster an overall positive learning experience.

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