How to Create an Online Poll For Free

SurveyPluto 08/19/2024 849 words

How to Create an Online Poll For Free

Gone are the days when polling was reserved for big corporations with deep pockets. Today, whether you're a small business owner or a student, you can easily make a poll in no time.

But with so many options out there, it can be a bit overwhelming to know where to start. Don't worry, it’s easier than you think. Whatever purpose you need the survey for, you’ll learn all the knowledge you need to create a poll that's free yet still engaging.

Polls Explained

Polls are simple yet powerful tools for gathering opinions and data. You might be wondering, "What's the difference between a poll and a survey?" Good question! While they're often used interchangeably, polls are typically shorter and more focused. Think of a survey as a full-course meal, while a poll is more like a tasty snack.

Polls usually have one or just a few questions, and they're designed to get a quick pulse on a specific topic.

One of the cool things about polls is how flexible they are. They can be multiple choice, yes/no questions, or even use rating scales.

While polls are great for getting quick answers, they're not always the best for deep, nuanced understanding. It will let you skim the surface of a topic which means you might see what's on top, but you won't know what's lurking in the depths.

Actionable Tips on How to Make a Poll Better

Keep it short

The reality is nobody wants to go through a marathon of questions when they're just trying to give their two cents. Depending on your poll, aim for 15 questions max, unless you have a really good reason to ask more.

And speaking of questions, make them crystal clear. Remember that ambiguity is your enemy. If your respondents are scratching their heads trying to figure out what you're asking, you've already lost half the battle.

Think about your answer options

When it comes to answers, multiple choice is great. You can also use rating scales or open-ended questions. You can even mix it up a bit. Always include a "Not applicable" or "Other" option since you'd be surprised how often people's thoughts don't fit into the boxes you create. Giving them an out can actually lead to more honest responses.

Design it well

Did you know a visually appealing poll can actually boost engagement? Use colors that are easy on the eyes. Make sure it's mobile-friendly too. These days, more people are likely to answer your poll on their phones than on a computer. 

Test it out

Get a few peers to give it a go and provide feedback. They might spot something that you've missed like a typo or a confusing question. After you've launched your poll, don't just sit back and wait for the responses to roll in. It’s recommended to promote it to get more responses.

Steps to Make a Poll

Step 1: Get Started with SurveyPluto

Head over to SurveyPluto's website and sign up for an account if you're new. If you're already a member, just log in.

Step 2: Proceed to Survey Creation

Once you're in, look for "Online Poll." Click it and you'll be taken to a blank canvas, ready for your masterpiece.

How to Create an Online Poll For Free

Step 3: Pick Your Survey Type

SurveyPluto's got a buffet of survey types. Classic, employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction - take your pick. If you can’t decide, go with the classic.

Step 4: Make Your Questions

Now it’s time to flex those brain muscles! Add questions using different formats like multiple choice or rating scales. Keep them clear and concise.

How to Create an Online Poll For Free- Make Questions

Step 5: Make It Look Good

Give your survey some oomph by adding a catchy title, sprucing up the description, or even playing around with themes.

Step 6: Check It

Before you share your survey, give it a once-over. Hit that "Preview" button and make sure everything's fine.

Step 7: Share Your Creation

Ready to release your poll? Hit "Share" and SurveyPluto will give you a link.

Step 8: Wait for the Responses to Roll In

Now's the part where you refresh your dashboard every five minutes. But relax, give it some time. The responses will come in.

Step 9: Analyse the Data

Once you've got enough responses, it's time to play detective. Check the results and start piecing together the puzzle.

Step 10: Take Action

You've got the data so now is the time to use it.

Are You Excited to Create Your First Free Poll?

Creating an online poll for free has never been easier and with platforms like SurveyPluto, you have got all the tools you need right at your fingertips. Remember: the key to a successful poll isn't just in the questions you ask, but in how you ask them.

Creating the poll is just the beginning. Once you've crafted your masterpiece using SurveyPluto, it's time to get it out there. SurveyPluto also provides easy-to-understand analytics that can help you make sense of responses.

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