Help Center Account Payment Purchasing SMS Credits

Purchasing SMS Credits

Currently, purchasing SMS requires a transfer to SurveyPluto's bank account. After the purchase is successful, we will recharge the SMS credits to your account. 

1. Access the "Share" page, click on Purchase SMS Credits for Text Message.

Purchase SMS Credits button

2. You'll be reminded of your current SMS credit balance. Every user starts with 10 free SMS credits. To buy more, click Purchase to open the "Contact Us" pop-up and indicate your need for additional SMS credits.

Current SMS credit balance and purchase button

Contact us pop-up

3. Our Support Team will respond with our bank account details for you to transfer the payment. Each SMS credit costs $0.3. Transfer the amount based on the number of credits you wish to purchase.

Click to view the message from support team

View message about bank account

4. Upon receiving your payment, we'll recharge your account with the purchased SMS credits and notify you of the successful recharge. You can view your total SMS credits on the "Purchase SMS Credits" pop-up or the "Text Message" page. 

View message about the successful recharge

New SMS credit balance in purchase SMS credits pop-up

New SMS credit balance in text message page