Deleting Questions

Deleting a Question

To delete a question from your survey, there are two easy ways to do it:

a. Click on the question you want to delete and then click the Trash Can icon that appears. This will delete the question.

Deleting Questions

b. Hover over the question you want to delete and click the Delete button that appears.

Delete button

NOTE: If the question is associated with other questions in the survey, you should first cancel this relationship before deleting the question.

Deleting Multiple Questions

You can delete multiple consecutive questions at once by following steps:

1. Hover over the question you want to delete and click the Bulk Delete button that appears. 

Deleting Multiple Questions

2. Select the start question and the end question you want to delete. 

start question

3. Click Delete to bulk delete questions.

4. A confirmation dialog box will appear asking “Are you sure you want to delete the selected [Number of Questions] questions?”. Click Save to confirm the deletion.

NOTE: Once you've deleted the question(s), they will be removed from the survey. Any responses associated with that deleted question will also be deleted. So, make sure you have collected all necessary data before deleting a question.