Table Values Question

Table Values question presents a table with a set of rows and columns, and respondents are asked to select one value in each cell of the table. It can be used in a variety of situations where you need to collect structured data from respondents. View a Table Values example.

Table Values example

Creating a Table Values Question

1. Choose Table Values to add the question to your survey.

Create a Table Values question

2. Enter the question. 

3. Enter the row questions and column questions. You can add question one by one or bulk add them. The row questions can be displayed randomly when you check Row Question Random checkbox. 

Enter the row and column questions

4. (Optional) You can swap rows and columns.

Swap rows and columns

5. Set the Min and Max scores. Check the Allow decimals checkbox when you allow the respondents to enter decimal values. 

Set min and max scores

6. (Optional) Adjust any additional settings for questions and options.

Making Questions Required

Referring to Previous Answer

Group Settings

Pipe Answer

Display Logic 

Skip Logic

7. Click Finish

Analyzing the Data

Multiple chart types are available for Table Values questions, including column, bar, line, and radar charts. These charts show the average score for each option that ordered by row questions, the column average and the column total values.

The table shows the average score for each cell, the row average, the row total, the column average and the column total.

Table Values result

These scores are calculated by the following formulas: 

Row Total = Sum of Row Scores

Row Average  = Sum of Row Scores / Number of Column Questions

Column Total = Sum of Column Scores

Column Average = Sum of Column Scores / Number of Row Questions

For example, the scores for this question are calculated:

Row Total for "Product A" = 8 + 7.5 + 9 + 7 = 31.5

Row Average for "Product A" = 31.5 / 4 = 7.88

Column Total for "Price" = 8 + 7.5 + 8 = 23.5

Column Average for "Price" = 23.5 / 3 = 7.83

Note: The answering content of each option can be viewed in the Responses. The Default Report only displays the average score.

Table Values responses