Default Report

A default report serves as a foundational summary of the collected data in survey analysis, offering initial insights and a comprehensive overview of the responses gathered. This report includes charts and tables for closed-ended questions and word cloud analysis for open-ended questions. 

Charts Types

For closed-ended questions, the default report automatically generates charts such as column, pie, doughnut, bar, line, and radar charts. You can select the most suitable chart type for each question, depending on the question type and the data you wish to visualize.

- Column Chart: Ideal for comparing categories or showing changes over time with vertical bars. Available for all closed-ended questions, including displaying stacked column charts for certain matrix questions.

Column chart

- Pie Chart: Offers a visual representation of parts-to-whole relationships in a circular format. Suitable for closed-ended questions, excluding the overview for matrix and table questions.

Pie chart

- Doughnut Chart: Similar to a pie chart but displays data in a ring shape. Suitable for closed-ended questions, excluding the overview for matrix and table questions.

Doughnut chart

- Bar Chart: Uses horizontal bars to compare quantities across different categories. Applicable to all closed-ended questions, with an option for stacked bar charts in some matrix questions.

Bar chart

- Line Chart: Connects data points with lines, ideal for illustrating trends over time. Available for all closed-ended questions.

Line chart

- Radar Chart: Plots data points on axes emanating from the same point, perfect for comparing multiple variables. Suitable for some matrix and table questions.

Radar chart

Word Cloud Analysis

For open-ended questions, the default report automatically generates a word cloud analysis for responses exceeding 5.

Word cloud analysis

Word cloud analysis visually represents text data, with word size reflecting its frequency or significance. Additionally, you can explore word frequencies using column, pie, and bar charts for a more detailed analysis.

Word frequency

If you wish to hide specific words from the display, simply deselect them by clicking on the words you want to exclude.

Hide word

Download the Report

After customizing the chart type for each question, you can download the default report in Word and PDF formats. 

Download report

Share the Report

The report can be shared with others by the following two methods:

- Anyone with the link can view the responses: Share the link to the people who need to view the default report.

Anyone with the link can view the responses

- Enter the password to view the responses: Set the password and click Save, then share the report link to others. They need to enter the password to view the default report. 

Enter the password to view the responses

Enter the password