Style Settings

Customizing the style of your survey is important to ensure that the survey is visually appealing, easy to read, and consistent with the branding of the organization conducting the survey. This can help to improve response rates, reduce respondent fatigue, and increase the accuracy of the responses.

Access the "Style" page by one of the following ways: 

Click Save and Style after editing the survey

Build page and style button

Click Settings Home and Style in the "My Surveys" page

Survey Style

Build page and style button

Survey Cover 

You can add a survey cover for mobile devices. This provides respondents with a visually appealing image to the survey when they open it. SurveyPluto offers some cover options, or you can upload your own picture (recommended size is 780*1688px). You can also customize the cover button text, with the default being "Begin".

Survey cover

Background Image

SurveyPluto offers some background image options, or you can upload your own picture (recommended size is 1440*540px).

Background image

Color Matching

You can change the color of Background, Questions, and Buttons&Title (Progress Bar).

Color matching

Font Size

There are two sizes for font: Standard and Larger. The default size is "Standard".

Font size

Progress Bar

Progress bar shows the answering progress. You can set up by question, by page, or hide. This color can be changed when you change the color of Buttons&Title.

Progress bar

Survey Header

The default survey header for computer device is a green picture, you can upload your own picture for mobile and computer devices. When you switch off the Survey Header or delete the pictures, there is no header for this survey.

Survey header

Survey Footer 

You can add survey footer and this will show the above of the brand logo and name of SurveyPluto. Switching the Survey Footer on and enter the content.

Survey footer

Hide Survey Title

If you don’t want to show the survey title, you can hide it by switching the Hide Survey Title on.

Hide survey title

Hide Question Labels 

There are some question types, such as Checkboxes, Rank Order, and Rating Checkbox, show the question type label. You can hide these labels by switching the Hide Question Labels on.

Display question labels

Hide question labels

Hide Previous Page Button

When you have more than one pages, you can decide whether respondents can return to the previous page. The default setting is hide previous page button, and you can switch this off to show the Previous Page button.

Hide previous page button

Display previous page button

Button Text 

You can edit the button text, including Submit, Previous Page, and Next Page, by switching Button Text on. 

Button text


You can set the watermark for the survey by switching Watermark on, then you need to enter the content.


Theme Saving

After customizing the survey, click Save. Then, the Save as a theme button will appear for you to click. Apply your personalized theme to future surveys with ease by selecting it from My Themes on the "Themes" page. 

Save button

Save as a theme button

Theme name

Theme page

Clear Appearance

To revert to the original settings and remove all customizations, click on Clear Appearance.

Clear appearance button

The default setting appearance