Help Center Go to Collect Sending by Link Sending a Survey Link

Sending a Survey Link

Once you've designed your survey, it's important to send it with your target audience using appropriate methods. Sending a survey through a web link is a common and effective way, as it allows you to send your survey through social media, email, SMS, and more.

Sendng Link after Designing

1. After finishing the survey design, click Save and then click Share or Go to Collect to access the "Share" page.

Sending a Survey Link

2. Copy the link and send it with your target audience. 

Share a survey link

Sharing Link through "My Surveys" Page 

1. Access "My Surveys" page.

My Surveys

2. Click on the Share, Share Survey, or Go to Collect buttons to send the survey link. 

Go to Collect

Share Survey

NOTE: Go to Collect button will only appear when the survey is active or closed and has no responses.