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Customizing Appearance of Email

Customizing the appearance of your email is important to ensure that the content is visually appealing, easy to read, and consistent with the branding of the organization. This can help to improve response rates, reduce respondent fatigue, and increase the accuracy of the responses.

Background Image

You can add a background image in your email. SurveyPluto offers some background image options, or you can upload your own picture (recommended size is 1920*1680px).

Background image

Color Matching

You can change the color of Background, Text Color, and Buttons.

Color matching

Customize Footer

The default email footer is SurveyPluto’s logo and brand name. You can upload your logo and enter the brand name.

Customize footer

Hide SurveyPluto Branding

You can hide SurveyPluto branding. Note: This option is disabled if you've activated the Customize Footer function.

Show SurveyPluto branding

Hide SurveyPluto branding

Theme Settings

After customizing your email, you can save this appearance as a theme. Apply your personalized theme to future emails with ease by selecting it from My Themes on the "Theme" page. 

Save the theme

Theme name

My themes page

Clear Appearance

To revert to the original settings and remove all customizations, click on Clear Appearance.

Clear appearance