Help Center Add Question Option Settings Adding Descriptions in Options

Adding Descriptions in Options

Adding descriptions in options can provide respondents with additional information to help them make more informed decisions. Follow these steps to add descriptions to answer options:

Adding Descriptions for an Option

1. Click a question to edit, please note that only the following question types support adding descriptions for options:

- Multiple Choice

- Checkboxes

- Rate the Choice

- Rating Checkbox

2. Select the option that needs to add descriptions. Click on the Add Descriptions icon and access the Description setting pop-up window.

Add descriptions

3. Either directly enter content into the textbox or provide a URL for an external content page if the content is very long.

Directly enter content

External content page

4. Choose the display style for the description. You can select either Direct sisplay or Click to display in a pop-up. Direct Display is suitable for shorter descriptions, while Click to Display in a Pop-up is better for longer descriptions.

Display style

Direct display example

Display in a pop-up example

5. Click Save.

Bulk Adding Descriptions for Options

You can also bulk adding descriptions for options:

1. Hover over to the Bulk Edit and click on Bulk Add Descriptions to open the setting pop-up window.

Bulk edit button

2. Download the sample file and enter the contents for the options and descriptions. Alternatively, create two columns with column names "Options" and "Descriptions" and enter the contents.

Upload Excel file

Excel file format

3. A reminder pop-up window will display the total number of imported data and the number of new options added.

Reminder pop-up window

4. Click Save.