Table Text Question

Table Text question type presents a table with a set of rows and columns, and respondents are asked to provide text responses in each cell of the table. It can be used in a variety of situations where you need to collect structured data from respondents. View a Table Text example.

Table Text example

Creating a Table Text Question

1. Choose Table Text to add the question to your survey.

Create a Table Text question

2. Enter the question. 

3. Enter the row questions and column questions. You can add these questions one by one or bulk add them. You can also Swap Rows and Columns.

Add row and column questions

Swap rows and columns

4. (Optional) Set Column Attributes:

- Validation: Multi-line text, Integer, Decimal, Year and Month, Date, Date and Time, Email, Website, Multi-level Dropdown, Upload, and Drop-down Option

Set column attributes

5. (Optional) Adjust any additional settings for questions and options.

Making Questions Required

Referring to Previous Answer

Group Settings

Display Logic 

Skip Logic

Scrollable Mobile Input Boxes

6. Click Finish

Analyzing the Data

You can view the details for each cell of Table Text question by clicking on Details. You can also view a word cloud analysis for this question type. A word cloud is a visual representation of the most frequently used words in a set of responses, with the size of each word reflecting its frequency of use. Click Word Cloud Analysis to view the results. If the answer sheet fewer than 5, it will not show. 

Table Text details

Table Text word cloud button

Table Text word cloud analysis