Help Center Add Question Choice Question Types Poll the Choices Question

Poll the Choices Question

Poll the Choices question is designed for Online Poll to collect respondents’ preferences among a set of predefined options. Respondents can choose one option from the list provided.  View a Poll the Choices example. 

Poll the Choices Question

Polling wall

Creating a Poll the Choices Question

1. Create an Online Poll when you create a new survey.

Online Poll

2. Choose Poll the Choices to add the question to your poll.

Creating a Poll the Choices Question

3. Enter the question and options

4. (Optional) By default, both the vote count and vote percentage are shown to respondents for real-time insight. If you prefer to hide this information, simply uncheck the Display vote count and/or Display percentage checkboxes.

Display vote count and/or Display percentage checkboxes

Preview vote count and percentage

5. (Optional) When you upload the images for the options, you can check the Display option number, Eye-catching image mode (respondents can click the image and view the larger image), and/or Mobile layout: left-right arrangement. NOTE: Display option number and Mobile layout: left-right arrangement are only available for the survey containing a single poll-related question.

Display option number

Preview option numbers

Eye-catching image mode

Open eye-catching image

Preview eye-catching image

Mobile layout: left-right arrangement

Preview mobile layout

6. (Optional) Adjust any additional settings for questions and options.

Making Questions Required

Referring to Previous Answer

Randomizing Options

Allowing Comments for an Option

Group Settings

Stacked Options

Display Logic 

Skip Logic

7. Click Finish

Analyzing the Data 

Multiple chart types are available in the Poll the Choices question, including column, pie, doughnut, bar, and line charts. A table is also available that shows the number and percentage of responses for each row question. 

Poll the Choices results