Slider Question

Slider question type is a popular and interactive way to gather data on a respondent's opinions or attitudes towards a particular topic. This question type allows respondents to visually indicate their level of agreement or preference on a scale. View a Slider example.

Slider example

Creating a Slider Question

1. Choose Slider to add the question to your survey.

Create a Slider question

2. Enter the question. 

3. Set the min score and display text, max score and display text.  

Set min and max information

4. (Optional) Adjust any additional settings for questions and options.

Making Questions Required

Referring to Previous Answer

Display Logic 

Skip Logic

5. Click Finish

Analyzing the Data

For the Slider question, you can view the total score and average score. To view details for each answer, click View Details. You can also click Scale Distribution to see a distribution of these values. The values can be divided into 2-10 parts for better granularity.

Slider report

Slider details

Slider scale distribution

The total score and the average score are calculated by the following formulas: 

Total score = Sum of all values

The Average Score = Total score / Number of responses 

For example, the total score for this example is 18, it is calculated:

4 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 18

The average score for this example is 3.6, it is calculated:

18 / 5 = 3.6