Help Center Add Question Settings Answer Throttling

Answer Throttling

If you want to control the answer times for your survey, you can control the answer device and/or set up IP address restriction. 

1. Access the Settings page. There are two ways to access it: 

Click Save and Settings after editing the survey

Save button

Settings button

Click Settings Home and Settings in the My Surveys page

Settings Home button

Settings button

2. Turn on Answer device control and/or IP address restriction.

- Answer device control: Set up the limit the number of responses from the same phone or computer. This control relies on browser local storage and is prone to failure.

Answer device control setting

- IP address restriction: Set up the limit the number of responses from the same IP address. This control relies on the same WIFI network, so devices connected to the same base station may share the same IP address.

IP address restriction setting

3. Click Save

If a respondent has already reached the maximum number of responses from their device or IP address and tries to access the survey again, they will see a reminder message: "Sorry, your device/IP address has reached the maximum number of entries. Thank you for participating."

Reminder message