Crosstab Reports

A crosstab repport can compare the relationship between two or more survey questions. By examining the responses of different survey questions, you can identify patterns or trends that may indicate correlation or association between them.

1. Click Cross-analysis Settings to select the database. To add a new database, proceed to Custom Reports.

Cross-analysis settings button

Select the database

2. Add comparison item (independent variable X): You can select up to 2 questions, including the collector and submission time by day/week/month. Eligible question types include:

- Multiple Choice

- Checkboxes

- Dropdown

- Rating


- Rate the Choice

- Rating Checkbox

- Review

Add comparison item (independent variable X)

3. Select comparison content (dependent variable Y): You can select up to 10 questions, including the collector and submission time by day/week/month. Eligible question types include:

- Multiple Choice

- Checkboxes

- Dropdown

- Rating

- Matrix Radio Button

- Matrix Rating


- Rate the Choice

- Rating Checkbox

- Review

Select comparison content (dependent variable Y)

4. (Optional) Save your settings to My Filter for easy future access and add the cross-analysis chart to your dashboard

Save settings to My Filter

My filter pop-up


5. Click Confirm to view the crosstab report. Examine the relationships between variables X and Y through various charts (column, bar, line, radar) and tables.

Crosstab report

6. (Optional) The crosstab report can be downloaded in Word and PDF formats and shared with others.