NPS Question

NPS (Net Promoter Score) is a popular and effective way to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. It is commonly used in surveys to assess how likely customers are to recommend a product or service to others. View a NPS example.

NPS example

Creating a NPS Question

1. Choose NPS to add the question to your survey.

Create a NPS question

2. (Optional) Customize the question text to fit your needs. The default question is “How likely are you to recommend us to friends or colleagues?” 

Edit NPS question

3. (Optional) Edit options content and score by clicking Set options. Adjust the level of the scale and the style of options.

Set options

Adjust options

4. (Optional) Adjust any additional settings for questions.

Making Questions Required

Referring to Previous Answer

Display Logic 

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5. Click Finish.

Analyzing the Data

Once you've collected responses to your NPS question, you can analyze the data using the NPS Report. This report displays the Net Promoter Score (NPS), the number of responses, the distribution of customer categories, and the NPS trend over time.

NPS report

There are three customer categories in NPS scale:

NPS categories

- Promoters (scores of 9-10): These are people with a high degree of loyalty who will continue to buy and refer others.

- Passives (scores of 7-8): These customers are generally satisfied but not enthusiastic and may consider other competitors' products.

- Detractors (scores of 0-6): These customers are not satisfied with the product or service and may not be loyal to your company.

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is calculated by the following formula: 

NPS =% Promoters - % Detractors 

For example, the NPS for this question is 41.67, it is calculated:

50 (% Promoters) - 8.33 (% Detractors) = 41.67

You can also view NPS Trend over different time periods (e.g. by month, week, day, or year) to track changes in customer loyalty and satisfaction.

NPS trend