Help Center Add Question Option Settings Adding Pictures in Options

Adding Pictures in Options

Adding pictures in options can enhance the visual appeal of a survey and provide additional information to respondents. Follow these steps to add pictures to answer options:

Adding Pictures for an Option

1. Click a question to edit, please note that only the following question types support adding pictures for options:

- Multiple Choice

- Checkboxes

- Rank Order

- Rate the Choice

- Rating Checkbox

2. Select the option that needs to add picture. Click on the Add Picture icon and access the setting pop-up window.

Add picture button

3. Upload the picture by clicking the + button or by copying and pasting the image. 

Upload picture

Upload picture successfully

4. Click Save.

Bulk Upload Pictures for Options

You can also bulk upload pictures for options:

1. Hover over to the Bulk Edit and click on Bulk Upload Pictures to access the setting pop-up window.

Bulk upload pictures button

2. Click on + Select File to upload up to 10 pictures at once. You can upload multiple times if needed.

Select file

3. (Optional) If you only want to show the pictures to respondents, check the Hide Option checkbox.

Hide option button

Add pictures for an option example

4. Click Save.

Note: When you bulk upload pictures, the options will be replaced with the file names of the pictures. If you add options before uploading pictures, you can rename the file names to match the options or edit the options accordingly.