Help Center Add Question Designing Your Survey Importing Questions and Responses from Excel

Importing Questions and Responses from Excel

You can perform bulk import of survey questions and responses from Excel. This process involves taking the structured data from Excel, where questions and corresponding responses are typically organized in rows and columns. This is particularly useful in automated check-in processes or when pre-collected data needs to be analyzed.

1. Click +New Survey in the top right corner.

Create New Survey

2. Click on Import From Excel to access the "Upload" page. Note: This feature is available only for Classic Surveys and Registration Form. 

Import from Excel

3. Download the excel sample file to understand the format. You can upload questions of the following types: Multiple Choice, Checkboxes, Text, and Dropdown. 

Download the Excel Sample File

Excel Sample File

4. After uploading the questions and responses, you can define the form structure. 

- For Choice question types, list all possible options directly in the Excel file. The system will automatically display these options. Additional options can be added later in the "Edit" page.

Define the form structure

- For Text question type, specify verification methods (Name, Email, Phone, Date). For other methods, adjustments can be made in the "Edit" page.

Define the form structure

5. After defining the structure, click Confirm to review the uploaded data.

Import Answer

6. Click Confirm Import to either add more data or to proceed to view responses.

Confirm Import

NOTE: The survey's title will be the name of the uploaded file.