Help Center Add Question Logic Settings Display Option Logic

Display Option Logic

Display Option Logic allows you to show or hide certain answer options based on the respondent's previous answers. It's a way to tailor the survey experience to each respondent, making it more relevant and engaging.

1. Determine which questions you want to set up the display option logic. Please note that only the following question types support display option logic:

- Multiple Choice

- Checkboxes

- Rank Order

- Rate the Choice

- Rating Checkbox

2. Click on Display Option Logic button and enter the Display Option Logic setting pop-up.

Display Option Logic button

3. Add association for options. You can choose more than one questions and set and / or relationship between multiple questions.

Display Option Logic setting

Display Option Logic for all options

4. Click Save.

Respondents will only see the car models that correspond to their selection of car brand in Q1. For instance, if a respondent selects "BMW" in Q1, they will only be shown options for Q2 that include "3 Series", "5 Series", and "X3".

Display Option Logic example - not been answered

Display Option Logic example - answered