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Creating a Survey from Template

SurveyPluto offers a wide range of pre-built survey templates to help you create surveys quickly and easily. These templates are designed for a variety of industries and use cases, including customer satisfaction surveys, employee engagement surveys, and market research surveys. The following steps outline how to create a survey from template by using SurveyPluto:

1. Click +New Survey in the top right corner.

+New Survey button

2. Click on Start From Template to access the template page. 

Start from template button

3. Browse the available templates and select one that meets your needs. You can preview the template in PC, mobile, or tablet format before selecting it. Once you find a template you like, click Use This Template to access the survey edit page.

Template page

Template page

Preview template

4. Customize the questions and options in the survey to fit your specific needs and preferences.

Edit page