Help Center Add Question Logic Settings Personalizing Surveys with Skip Logic

Personalizing Surveys with Skip Logic

Skip logic allows you to skip rest questions based on the respondent's previous answers. When you want to skip questions for respondents who are not the target users, you can skip to the end to finish answering. This can help to reduce survey completion time and improve the overall user experience. There are two methods for skip logic: Skip questions based on options and Unconditional skip question.

Skip questions based on options

1. Determine which questions you want to set up the skip logic based on the respondent's answers. Please note that only the following question types support skip questions based on options:

- Multiple Choice

- Dropdown

2. Click on Skip Logic button and enter the Skip Logic setting pop-up.

Personalizing Surveys with Skip Logic

3. Check the Skip questions based on options, and select the appropriate option from the dropdown menu for each answer option. By default, the content is set to "Answer next question, no skip." If you want to skip to the end, choose the content "Skip to the end to finish answering."

Skip logic

4. Click Save.

To remove all skip logic, uncheck the Skip questions based on options. To remove some skip logic, change the content from "Skip to the end to finish answering" to "Answer next question, no skip."

Skip questions based on options

NOTE:  Except the last question, other questions can be set up with Skip questions based on options. With skip logic, all the questions will be displayed initially, but when the respondent chooses an option that indicates the end of the survey, the remaining questions will be hidden.

Tips: If you want to skip certain answer options to different survey questions, you can use Display Logic to achieve this.

For example, if you want to respondents who answer “No” to "Have you purchased a car in the last year?" to end the survey, you can set up the skip logic for this option.

click save

Skip logic

Skip logic

Unconditional skip question

1. Click the question that you want to set up with skip logic to edit, all questions types can apply this method.

2. Click on Skip Logic button and enter the Skip Logic setting pop-up.

Skip logic

3. Check the Unconditional skip question, and select the content "Skip to the end to finish answering."

Skip logic

4. Click Save.

To remove skip logic, uncheck the Unconditional skip question.