Question Types

SurveyPluto equips survey creators with a diverse array of question types, enabling the design of tailored surveys for specific needs. Explore the options by clicking on the question types for more information.

Choice Type

Multiple Choice: Select one option from list of options.

Checkboxes: Select multiple options from list of options. 

Dropdown: Select one option from a dropdown menu.

Upload: Submit documents, images, or videos.

Rank Order: Rank a list of options based on preference or importance.

Rating: Evaluate an item on a numerical scale.

Poll the Choice: For online polls, select one option from list of options.

Checkbox Poll: For online polls, select multiple options from list of options.

Text Type

Single Textbox: Gather open-ended responses.

Multiple Textbox: Collect various pieces of information. 

Matrix Text: Provide answers in a table format for related questions.

Table Text: Fill in text responses in a table.

Multi-level Dropdown: Select from hierarchical dropdown menus.

Date: Select a specific date. 


New Page: Divide questions across different pages.

One Question Per Page: Simplify creation with one question per page. 

Informational Block: Offer information without requiring a response.

Page Timer: Automatically time page responses (hidden by default). 

Matrix Types

Matrix Radio Button: Select one option per row in a grid.

Matrix Checkbox: Select multiple options per row in a grid.

Matrix Rating: Rate each item on a scale in a grid.

Matrix Slider: Slide a marker along a scale in a grid.

Table Values: Choose one value per cell in a table.

Table Text: Fill in text responses in a table.

Table Dropdown: Select from dropdown menus in a table.

Table Combination: A hybrid of Table Text with predefined questions.

Auto-increment Table: Add rows as needed.

Rating Types

Rating: Evaluate an item on a numerical scale.

NPS®: Measure likelihood of recommendations.

Rate the Choice: Select one option from list of scored options.

Rating Checkbox: Select multiple options from list of scored options.

Matrix Rating: Rate each item on a scale in a grid.

Review: Rate and provide reviews.

Advanced Types

Rank Order: Rank a list of options based on preference or importance.

Constant Sum: Allocate a fixed sum across options.

Slider: Indicate preferences on a sliding scale.

Carousel: Swipe through a set of pictures.

Research Question Types

MaxDiff: Identify most and least preferred options.

Conjoint Analysis: Determine preferences for products/services.

Kano: Evaluate product feature priorities.

PSM: Gauge price sensitivity.