Customer Journey Report

SurveyPluto can automatically generate a comprehensive Customer Journey Report for your customer journey surveys. The report includes Customer Journey Map, Detailed Report, Org Structure Comparison Report, Annual Comparison Report, and Monthly Comparison Report. 

Customer journey report

Customer Journey Map

It visualizes average scores and identifies low-scoring touchpoints requiring attention, alongside related questions and their average scores. Utilizes SWOT analysis to categorize each touchpoint into improvement, advantage, low priority, and over-supply zones for targeted NPS & Touchpoint Analysis.

Customer Journey Map

Swot analysis

Detailed Report

This report offers a granular view of all data and a specific store, showcasing NPS, satisfaction scores, responses, satisfaction index, and complaint index. It presents:

Detailed report

- NPS breakdown by detractors, passives, and promoters.


- Overall touchpoint scores displayed in various chart formats (radar, column, bar, and line).

Overall touchpoint scores

- SWOT analysis for touchpoint categorization.

SWOT analysis

- Touchpoint satisfaction rate (score 4-5), general (score 3) and complaint rate (score 1-2), visualized in tables and charts.

Touchpoint percentage

- Org structure comparison scores for each store, accessible in detailed formats.

Org structure comparison

- The satisfaction category comparison provides a cross-analysis of NPS and satisfaction scores, segmented by gender and age groups.

Cross-analysis by gender and age

Org Structure Comparison Report

This comparison report allows for all data or year-specific data review in organization structure, including:

- Comparative analysis of NPS, satisfaction scores, and responses per store.

Comparative analysis for each store

- Touchpoint and question satisfaction scores for each store.

Touchpoint and question satisfaction scores for each store

Annual/Monthly Comparison Report

These reports provide detailed examination of data across time frames, featuring:

- NPS trends over various periods (day, week, month, year) to monitor shifts over time.

NPS trends over various periods

- Annual and monthly satisfaction comparisons.

Annual and monthly satisfaction comparisons

- Detailed touchpoint and organizational satisfaction scores by year or month.

Detailed touchpoint satisfaction scores

Detailed organizational satisfaction scores