Engagement Report

SurveyPluto can automatically generate a comprehensive Engagement Report for your employee engagement surveys. The report includes Detailed Report, Org Structure Comparison Report, Annual Comparison Report, and Monthly Comparison Report. 

Engagement report

Detailed Report

This report offers a granular view of all data and a specific department, showcasing engagement scores and responses. It presents:

Engagement detailed report

- Engagement score about dimensions in promotion & retention & effort with table and various graphs.

Engagement score graph

- Each dimension’s percentage of satisfaction rate (score 4-5), general (score 3) and complaint rate (score 1-2), visualized in tables and charts.

Dimension’s percentage

- Org structure comparison scores and the dimensions' scores for each department and years of service in the company, accessible in detailed formats. 

Org structure comparison graph

- The engagement category comparison provides a cross-analysis of engagement scores, segmented by gender, age groups, and education level.

Cross-analysis of engagement scores

- The average score for each dimension shows in a table and various graphs to display the factors influencing engagement.

Engagement influencing factors

- SWOT analysis for dimension categorization.

SWOT analysis

Org Structure Comparison Report

This comparison report allows for all data or year-specific data review in organization structure, including:

- Comparative analysis of engagement score and response per department.

Comparative analysis

- Dimension and question engagement scores for each department.

Dimension and question engagement scores for each department

Annual/Monthly Comparison Report

These reports provide detailed examination of data across time frames, featuring:

- Annual and monthly engagement scores comparisons.

Annual and monthly engagement scores comparisons

- Detailed dimension and organizational engagement scores by year or month.

Detailed dimension engagement scores by year or month

Detailed organizational engagement scores by year or month