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Answer Password Settings

Enable password access for your surveys to ensure respondent authenticity. Opt for a common password for all or unique passwords per respondent.

Access the Settings page. There are two ways to access it: 

Click Save and Settings after editing the survey

Save button

Build page and setting button

- Click Settings Home and Settings in the My Surveys page

Settings Home button

Build page and setting button

Single Password

For a single password, all respondents use a common password to answer. 

Single password setting

1. Set up a password: limit to 20 characters.

2. Set up a password hint: limit to 100 characters. The default password hint is “Enter password to access~”. 

Password List

To assign a unique password to each respondent, you can choose a password list. 

1. Click Edit password list to open the password list editor.

Edit password list button

2. There are two password formats:

- Basic password: The format of this is "123456".

Basic format

- Password + Extra details: The format is "123456" and you can enter the extra details, such as name, phone number, employee ID, and more. 

Password + extra details

You can generate a random password list by inputting the number of passwords. Then, the system will randomly generate corresponding passwords. However, if you select the format of Password + Extra details, you need to enter the extra details after generating the password list.

Generate a random password list

Enter the number of password

A random password list

3. Password settings:

Password settings

- Login methods: Choose between login with password only or login with both extra details and password. The second method is only available when you choose the format Password + Extra details.

- Set up an extra details prompt: limit to 100 characters. This is only available when you choose the format Password + Extra details. It can be set as "Enter your name", "Enter your phone number", and "Enter your employee ID".

- Set up a password input prompt: limit to 100 characters. The default prompt is "Enter password to access~". 

- Set up the attempt time: The default response attempt is only allowed once. 

- Set up the attempt limit exceeded message: limit to 200 character. The default message is "This password has been used. Please check and re-enter, or contact the organizer!"

4. Password usage status: Monitor the usage of the password list, including used & answered, used & unanswered, and not used. You can export all password information, add new password, and delete password. 

Answer sheet prompt

Enter the extra details and password

Password usage status