Help Center Add Question Settings Automated Data Sync

Automated Data Sync

Upon receiving of survey responses, the system can dispatch JSON data to the specified URL.

Automated Data Sync Setting

1. Access the Settings page. There are two ways to access it: 

Click Save and Settings after editing the survey

Save button

Settings button

- Click Settings Home and Settings in the My Surveys page

Settings Home button

Settings button

2. There are two methods for data sync:

- For a Single Survey:  Turn on Automated Data Sync and enter the synchronization URL, and then the response data from this survey will be sent as JSON to this URL after configuration.

Data sync for a single survey

- For All Surveys: Click on Global data sync and activate this feature. Then, enter the synchronization URL. After configuration, all response data will be sent as JSON to this URL.

Data sync for all surveys

3. By default, only valid responses are synchronized. This function can be disabled if required.

Only valid responses are synchronized

4. The default setting does not retry on failure. Enable this option to retry sending data if no response is received within 8 seconds, treating the attempt as a failure.

Retry on failure button

5. You can access synchronization logs to monitor data synchronization activities.

Access synchronization logs button

Synchronization logs detail

Format of Response Data

To ensure the speed and success rate of the push, the vast majority of question types will only push the numbers corresponding to the questions and options, and will not push the text content of the questions and options. Here's a breakdown of the data format:

Details of response data

- "t1" represents the displayed question number, while "q1" represents the internal system question number. Note: "t1" may not match "q1" if the question's position changes.

- "t1_q1_1" for Multiple Textbox and Matrix question types refers to the first input field.

- "t1_q1_1_2" for Table question types indicates the first row and the second column.

- For closed-ended question types, like Multiple Choice, Checkboxes, Rating the Choice, and more, the "1" in "t1_q1":"1" represents the selected option's sequence.

Closed-ended question types

- For open-ended question types, the answers display exactly as entered by respondents.

Open-ended question types

- Some question types, such as Multi-level Dropdown, Constant Sum, Slider, Matrix Slider, and more, provide the content of the selected option. 

Provide the content of the selected option

- For Conjoint Analysis, all attributes for a concept are displayed. If the concept has been chosen by a respondent, “Yes” will be shown; otherwise, “No” will be displayed.

Conjoint Analysis question