Help Center Add Question Settings Touchpoint Setting

Touchpoint Setting

In the Customer Journey Survey, you can configure touchpoints to gain a deeper understanding of respondent interactions. This enables precise analysis of survey data by individual touchpoints.

1. Access the Touchpoint Setting page: Create Customer Journey survey. After finalizing your questionnaire edits, click Save and Set Touchpoint to access the touchpoint setting pop-up.

Set touchpoint button

2. Add Touchpoint: Enter the touchpoints in the textbox, one per line. Click Save after adding it. You can set multi-level touchpoints by adding level 2 touchpoints. 

Add Touchpoint

Set multi-level touchpoints

3. Bind Questions: Click Edit icon for a touchpoint and select the questions that need to be bound for this touchpoint. Then switch another touchpoint and bind the questions until all touchpoints have bound questions. Click Save after binding questions. 

Edit icon for binding question

Bind Questions

4. (Optional) Touchpoint Standard Score: Set up a standard score to evaluate whether your touchpoints meet your standards. Click Save after setting up the touchpoint standard score. 

Touchpoint Standard Score

5. Touchpoint Weight: Set the weight for each touchpoint. The total weight should add up to 100%. Click Save after setting the touchpoint weight.

Touchpoint Weight

To edit or delete touchpoints, you can click on Manage Touchpoints and select the touchpoints you want to edit or delete.

Manage Touchpoints button

Delete touchpoints

Here is the report with added touchpoints. View more details about the Customer Journey Report.

Touchpoint report

NOTE: If you create a customer journey with a blank template or the question bank, it will automatically set touchpoints and bind the questions.