Tracking Message Status

Since each survey link is unique in text message, you can view every message's status through Message Status & Resend, which offers eight distinct message statuses:

Message Status

- Pending Send: The message is scheduled to be sent but has not yet been dispatched. It's in the queue, waiting for the designated sending time.

- Sending: The message is currently in the process of being sent to the recipients. 

- Sent but Not Opened: The message has been successfully sent to the recipient's inbox, but hasn't opened it yet.

- Opened but Not Visited: The respondent has opened the survey message but has not clicked on the link to visit the survey page.

- Visited but Not Filled Out: This is when a respondent opens the survey message, clicks on the link to visit the survey, but does not complete the survey.

- Valid Responses: The respondent has already completed the survey and submitted valid responses. These are the successfully collected survey data.

- Invalid Responds: The respondent has already submitted the survey but does not meet the survey's validation criteria.

- Failed to Send: The survey message could not be delivered to the respondent's phone number.